Friday, February 19, 2010

I thought these carvings by Tom on
a number of subjects might work as a headline.


As we focas on many athletic
stars from all countries,
and they compete...rise or fall,
there seems to be a possibilility
of World Peace.
Why do we have war?
To kill before we are killed, of course.
Each country rises up in self-protection.
Knowing life is for the living.
and might only be protected by
death to the other side.
And what about the poor
who live in squalor and see their
babies die of malnutrition
when people in another country are dying
of obesity? How do you spread the food?
A recent charity collecting millions
to feed the children, never managed to get
a single box of food delivered to those in Haiti.
The charity is over-run by organizers
wanting to get rich, live well.
Everyone blames everyone else.
Food and goods sent around the world
for the poor are grabbed by the military
and the poor go on starving,
at least the women and children.
World Peace is a catchword for
politicians, world leaders, and churches.
I am confused.
Is World Peace something that
should begin at home?
What is needed to get along and
actually move toward that end?
The Arabs and the Jews began from one family...
way back to good Father Abraham...
and see as the only solution
death to the other.
Suicide bombers are willing to take
their own lives as long as they can
kill hated others at the same time.
Do they believe even in the concept
of World Peace?
Christians hate the Jews for killing
Christ..even though he says to
"Love your neighbor as yourself."
Are suicide bombers doing that as
he dies with others?
The ten commandments offer a light
through chaos. At least,
if following them, you allow
others to live on earth with you.
The Republicans and Democrats can't
come to a single unifying thought in
a terrible economic crisis,
If whole families can't talk
without argument and bitter complaints,
how can we achieve world peace?
If mothers can destroy their babies
because they want to,
what can they do for World Peace?
No one is at peace.
How do we find it amid all
the conflict, within ourselves,
and make a peaceful nature
strong enough to share
and make a difference?


  1. Powerful poem. Loved the 'headlines.' I don't know how we are going to make progress, frankly, but we have no choice but to keep trying!

  2. I love the carvings. I didn't know Tom did this beautiful work. Tell us more.

  3. Tom did a carving for each of his grandkids.
    He drew amd painted the heron. I'm not sure who got the fish, but one of Marina's kids got the totum pole. Marina wants him to do a pole for her house and he collected totum pole
    pictures, then got downed by his leg and hasn't done it...he has to carve in the round. I don't know if he can. He did a Dora one for Meadow and a teddy bear with a purse for Addie. Drew's is the little speed guy on the Incredibles..what is his name? He carved something for everyone.

  4. This is a great poem. Like Aunt Linda's poems, I always read your poems to the end. Love them all. I love mom's flower poems, reveals such a different and soft side to her. Oh, and thanks Aunt Ann, you know what for. You've always supported me from the beginning. Heart You...
