I have no pictures of my teacher daughter,
so I decided to post an early teacher picture of me.
I do hope someone takes a picture I can have and post.
(I have her a teen in her wild hair days!)
My kids object to my family posting...so what can they say
when I post me????
I'm excited about her earning such a wild award.
(Those TV Planet People have the right idea,
They give a yearly award to a high school teacher,
middle school and elementary teacher...Best Teacher on the Planet!
Teachers should get as many awards as possible as they
constantly put in all those extra hours and time and effort.)
Brian L. wrote a nice letter about her to earn this award.
He and his wife called us to write a letter for the
special book they did during Teacher-appreciation week.
Here is mine...from the above years ago teacher.
Teaching is a difficult job.
It’s endless paperwork
Covering lessons plans,
assignments, and tests…
all created and checked
by you…daily homework.
But…at times everything
Comes together…
A teacher teaches and
Students learn and skills
fuse into a good creative
work, sometimes something
I think those moments
Happen more often than usual
In your classroom…
Because of your interest in the material
Because of your love for the student
Because of your background and training
Because of the dedication to your work,
You are that outstanding teacher!
I am endlessly proud
Of that special person
You are…every day.
May the appreciation you deserve
Come your way.
I didn't expect it so soon!