Our boxes are filled with Marigolds this summer.
They don't seem to fade and die too soon. I like
that. All Tom's flowers are starting to bloom and
we have picked enough peas for peas and potatoes for
both us and Jason. Aspargras comes sparingly.
The onions will be great and beans are growing.
It won't be long until the growing season is over,
but I am enjoying every day. We love the Day
Lilies we got from Rolain. They come and go
and Lazy Susans are blooming. We are relaxing with our
flowers and completed half roof. Russian Sage is
blooming and the pine trees rustle in the breeze.
Summer is here. It's lovely.
The flowers surely are beautiful. I've tried hard to keep mine alive through the sizzling heat but most are cooked. That is except for the hearty Lantana and Dyanthis. The potted plants are still hanging in there. They are in the shade and I water them every day. Only one more month and we will be on the down hill slide toward growing things again. New potatoes and fresh peas. Yum.