Camille has her own sunflowers and flower garden.
Spectacular! She has to pick those weeds so there
is no interference.
Boulder is still Boulder.
The wind was strong enough to
break limbs which fell down almost on
Tracy's car. The sand whips up.
It was very green.
We drove up Thompson Ledge with Steve
in his four-wheel drive..marveling that we could.
Anslem, the artist, the photographer (60 books) and singer..
my recording artist said he was getting a dvd done for Anslem,
that he is well-known in Germany. My!
Dinner was hot and ready -enchilidas and salads and rasberry shortcake..
delicious! And the Brigham tea bush was there reminding
me of tea made in tin cans while we looked for deer mice. (cute)
We sat across from (Cheryl help!) who have moved to Salt Gulch.
I told them I was born there and he laughed out loud.
"Camille's Mother" and I are living history.
And the wind whipped. And the wind grew stronger.
Rather than kill the actors with falling poles and canvas
the play was called. Oh sad!
The Gods (and Raymond) spoke!
We will hope this play is picked up and
we have another time to go...before...
Boulder at harvest time looks busy and prosperous.
Plants are tall. Apples in the trees. Flowers bloom.
We enjoyed our time in Boulder.