Monday, November 1, 2010


Speaking of sheep, I thought you'd like to see all the sheep
going along the street in Cedar City...taken from the Spectrum.
I don't know why sheep in Cedar City appeals to me,
but it does.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is quite a site. It definitely appeals to me too. I have been neglecting your blog also. Pretty much for the same reasons. Busy busy. It is surprising how many things one must do when they are retired. How did we ever find time to work?

    I very much enjoyed your news blog and enjoy your poetry. I think 'Walking in Sand ' is a great title for your book. I want to order one. Let me know the price and I'll send check. I understand that you haven;t quite got it ready but am confident that it will be soon. It sounds like it will be a fun read. You are very ambitious in all your endeavors. Hope your beloved pool gets re-done so you can swim swim swim.
