Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kids in Costume

Summer is the time to drag out old costumes,
perform all your talents, have tea parties,
and practice every stunt. Drew performs
from the door tops..only one small enough still.
Kids now nearing 50's will remember costumes
that fit grandkids now. Ahhhh, the days!
Summer fun. Summer travel. Summer...


  1. Yes, I remember that polka dot outfit because you made Ronda one too. Looks like the kids are having lots of fun. Nothing like a grandma who knows how to make fun things on the sewing machine!

  2. What cute kids, and they look like they are having such fun. I remember playing dress up was the best.Your a grandma that will go down in history. Janice (as a mom)had a big barrel of costumes in the play room. It was filled to the brim for the girls to drape them selves in. They have passed that now and just want to work on being pretty. It takes Alysia 45 minutes just to do her hair to fit her expectations.
