Saturday, June 18, 2011

Strange Plant

Does anyone know this plant?
We don't know where it came from or
its name.
Tom has been creeping around this
Spring with a bad back that keeps
him from standing up straight...
spasms in his shoulder that goes down
his arm and if left without help
on down his left bad leg.
He has had five surgeries on his leg
trying to save it and it always hurts.
The last bout he wore a wound-vac for
a month trying to get the wound closed
the wound healed.
He has been trying to get the pain in
his back killed with radio waves.
He fights off skin cancers.
He just doesn't feel well.
We all struggle with old age, but
some seem to be hit harder than others.
His 90 year old brother jumps on his
ATV and heads for the desert.
He smokes and all those hidden problems
will crop up. They have in his leg
with circulation. Groan. Moan.
So when an odd flower appears.
And we have new ones in our window box.
The flags bloom for the first time.
We enjoy them all every day.


  1. Has he tried acupuncture? I know it doesn't help everyone but it helped me. I don't know the plant but it sure is pretty. I've had the purple ones on the right before. I think they grow wild in places around here.Tell Gerry "HI".

  2. that looks like a spider plant to me. I have one in a pot on the porch. If it is one it will get runners with small white flowers and baby plants.

    I do hope Tom gets his back so he can stand up and NO pain.

    Your yard looks beautiful. I love the Iris but mine come and go so fast in Phoenix I hardly have time to enjoy them.

  3. If anything would make a person feel better, flowers would!
