Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Time marches on

I drove over to view the new Escalante Reservoir and was surprised at the size
of the dam as well as the lake. Fishers will enjoy this new lake. Boaters will
speed around. Escalante can boast of their water supply once more.
I took a picture of this old bridge, one of the first on Upper Valley Road and
this old wagon at the new Heritage Center area where Lynn Griffin's pictures of the Hole-in-the-Rock are on display. I was told that a touring car can get all the way
to it now, except one man said, "You'd be a damn fool to drive it in a car." I guess the road is not all that great, graveled sandy roads.
Towns improve as time marches on, yet history is valued and stories told and
retold. We love the old. We love the new. We want our lives easier at the same time we extoll our history when times were hard and our fore-fathers struggled to
get by.
I am captured by the old, yet don't want to turn back the clock. I would
hate to no longer have electricity, for example. In one fell swoop we would lose technology, telephones, many household items that make our lives so much easier,
and light at night. No, I wouldn't want to lose the energy that runs our daily life. I am reminded of that when the system goes down. Already thousands of us
depend on nuclear energy. As I plant a little garden and grow a few items, I know I depend on others to supply most of what I eat. I depend on others for what I wear.
I depend on others for electricity and so many of my needs. I admit it...I am not self-sufficient.

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