Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mama in Fashion

I returned to the care center today
and stuck in the page where I volunteer
was this picture of Mama in hat.
I was very surprised.
I thought I'd share as it
made me smile. Mama
in her care center towel
apron and very fashionable hat!
Where it came from, I'll never know.
I thought she welcomed me back
to the world of the old and dying.
I talked to Grandma Crompton today,
Shayna's great. She is 93 and very
alert. David on his way to Iraq
worrys us both. We enjoyed our hour.


  1. She does look awfully old in this photo but quite bright eyed. I don't know about that hat. It looks like a decorated pancake! Did you ever see it? The signs of age come upon us without mercy I have noticed.

  2. No, I have never seen it. It must have been hat day at the care center and her hat was
    given to her that day to wear. Roxanne must have taken the picture. It had to be not long before she died. I agree that aging takes its toll!

  3. Mama looks like she has put that hat on for the fun of look funny. Look at that little smile on her face. That is not her style of hat to be sure.

  4. Pretty interesting that the picture was in page where you would be sure to see it. Do they have tricksters in the care center? The time I wejnt to see Irene there I thought her eyes were very bright and sparkly. I wondered if she was thinking deep thoughts but just couldn't say.
